Dec 19, 2019

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1. Test Its Behavior in Multiple Road Scenarios

Some used vehicle dealers have specific routes for test drives, but you should make it clear that you want to drive it on roads that are similar to your everyday trips. This may include slow heavy traffic and fast highways, allowing you to assess the car’s behavior in multiple scenarios. Maybe it gets overheated in stop-and-go traffic, or it doesn’t have the acceleration to properly merge on a busy highway. The only way to discover such potential flaws is by properly testing the car.

When the road and surrounding traffic allow it, take the time to test the car’s steering, braking, and acceleration. Test how quickly the car slows down and accelerates and the steering wheel’s precision when taking corners. Although the best way to test a car is by driving it like it’s yours, you must always remember that you don’t already own it. Roughing up the vehicle by accelerating and braking too hard or by taking aggressive corners may not sit well with the owner or dealership salesperson. You can test drive a car without being overly aggressive with it.

2. Inspect Every Part of the Body

Some used vehicles look impeccable, but a more thorough inspection can reveal major flaws and previous accidents. Take your time looking at the car from every angle and slowly open each door and the trunk. Check for any imperfection when opening and closing doors, along with any strange sound. Possible issues you can discover may range from an easily fixable loose hinge to more serious problems, such as a previous accident that was not properly repaired and resulted in structural damage.

Thoroughly examine every gap between parts of the car’s body and take note of every little imperfection. You don’t have to be an expert to notice that, for example, one side of the car is in a slightly different position than the opposite side, which may indicate a previous collision that wasn’t properly repaired and may cause issues down the road.

3. Examine Its Behavior in Different Weather Conditions

Although it may prove difficult, depending on location and time of year, you should drive the vehicle in bad weather. Otherwise, you may realize that the car that worked perfectly on a sunny day has trouble cornering and braking on a slippery surface, the windshield wipers don’t do a proper job, the insulation isn’t perfect, and any other similar flaw.

Finding a good used vehicle isn’t rocket science, but picking the right one requires some time and expertise. By following these simple pieces of advice you will dramatically increase your odds of finding a vehicle that you’ll enjoy for many years.